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Get Involved! Contact Wilmington City Council at (302) 576-2140 and ask them to VOTE NO on Ordinance 19-026 until it is fixed.   Follow the  Wilmington Neighborhoods Coalition on Facebook. Sign up for the newsletter. Support policies for homeowners, rental properties, and vacants that will help neighborhoods!


I Am A Renter - News Flash: As a result of resident feedback, the proposed law has been revised. In the new version, fines for renters for code violations have been removed. Fines for renters not letting a code inspector into their house have been removed. For details, see the Renter's Guide to the Blight Bill. But the Blight Bill is not the solution! See Code Reform that Works for an Action Plan to improve housing and stabilize Wilmington's neighborhoods.

What Would the "Blight Bill" Mean for Me?

I am A Landlord – Proposed Ordinance 19- 026 would give L&I power to give landlords fines of $250 a week for any uncorrected code violation. Fines don't need to be approved by the courts before becoming first priority liens on your property. The City can foreclose on the liens to collect the fines. For details, see the Landlord's Guide to the Blight Bill.  But the Blight Bill is not the solution! See Code Reform that Works for an Action Plan to improve housing and stabilize Wilmington's neighborhoods.


I Am a Homeowner-Proposed Ordinance 19-026 would keep you under the existing system of code enforcement, which guarantees neutral third-party oversight by the courts.  News Flash: As a result of resident feedback, the proposed law has been revised to keep other protections for homeowners. For homeowners only, the City cannot add code violations  to your tax bill.  For details, see the Homeowner's Guide to the Blight Bill. But the Blight Bill is not the solution! See Code Reform that Works for an Action Plan to improve housing and stabilize Wilmington's neighborhoods.

I Own a Vacant Property- Proposed 19-026 increases the schedule of fines on vacant properties, up to $18,000+ annual fines for a property that is vacant more than 8 years. For details, see the Vacant Property Owner's Guide to the Blight Bill. Why fine an unoccupied property that is well maintained the same as an abandoned run-down eyesore? The Blight Bill is not the solution! See Code Reform that Works for an Action Plan to improve housing and stabilize Wilmington's neighborhoods.  

Support: Better City Policies
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